“Corporate Marketing Video” covers a wide spectrum of possible visual media that might be effective for your company. There are as many ways to make marketing and promotional videos as there are businesses. Through a needs assessment and strategic thinking, we’ll help you determine which is right for you. Here are some examples:
Documentary/Branded Content
A broad scope story based video showing your potential clients who you are. These are generally “image” pieces that focus on connecting with viewers on an emotional level by putting real faces and personalities to the corporate identity.
Slice of Life
A more focused story based video similar to a company documentary, but instead may focus on just one ideal of your company such as “quality”, or “safety”. It may focus in on one individual employee and why they love their job or what they care about. This can act as a microcosm or symbol representing the company at large, lending credibility and trust to the company as a whole.
Client Connection
One of the most effective ways to get new customers to talk to a current satisfied client. Often this isn’t feasible in person, but video can tell the story of client satisfaction just as well. Like all types of corporate video this can focus mainly on information—facts and benefits, or image—who the client is and how their problem was solved by your product or service. Often these videos are a mix of both.